March Tutorials

Welcome to the main documentation on the MARCH exoskeleton. Whether you are an experienced ROS developer or have recently started learning, these tutorials contain all knowledge required to work with and develop the MARCH exoskeleton.


In order to follow the tutorials, we expect you to have at least some knowledge of the following tools:

In case you are not comfortable with the above tools, please take some time to check the following references:

How to use the tutorials

The tutorials are designed to provide hands-on experience with ROS and the MARCH exoskeleton. Here is an overview of the different types of tutorials.

Install ROS and March

This tutorial will help you install ROS2 Foxy, the MARCH repository, the required buildtools and dependencies. It is recommended to follow this tutorial on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal), other operating systems have not been tested.

Create your workspace

This tutorial will help you build the and ROS2 Foxy workspace with all packages needed to run the MARCH exoskeleton. You should have followed Install ROS and March before you can build your workspace.

Useful tools

A selection of existing tools to speed up development.

March Packages

This section contains explanation and tutorials at the package level. It is not needed to study all of them to completion, but it is advised to keep them as a reference whenever you want start improving a specific package. This is especially useful when adding more content to a feature (e.g. gaits, launch settings).


This tutorial will explain how to build the documentation locally, allowing for easy contribution to the development of the documentation of the Project MARCH software.


The structure of this documentation is heavily inspired by that of MoveIt!