Mujoco Simulation

This repository is a sub-repository of the Project March repository. It contains the ROS2 workspace for running the Mujoco simulation-to-High level control loop. It is mainly used for testing high-level controllers on a simulated exoskeleton in Mujoco. This allows for rapid prototyping of these controllers before the physical exoskeleton is operational.

Please note that once this repository is deemed feature-complete, it will be integrated into the main March repository as a mock for the hardware interface.

How to Build

  • To install required ROS environment, please follow the Installation ROS and tools instructions.

  • Then, to set up the workspace, copy-paste the following instructions line by line:

$ pip3 install mujoco
$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd Mujoco-simulation
$ colcon build --packages-select acados
$ colcon build --packages-select acados_solver
$ colcon build
$ source install/setup.bash