
This page describes the process of running and writing automated tests for the march packages.


In order to run the tests you must already have a workspace setup. See Building your workspace.

Running the tests locally

Before running al test you first need to build and source your workspace this can be done with:

march_build_ros2 && sros2

Afterwards you can run the following command to run all tests in the current directory:

colcon test

The build step also builds the automated tests, so it is important to run build when you modify tests. The test step will run all the tests and will fail when tests fail. Colcon also gives the possibility to review the test results and give more information on any failing tests.

colcon test-result --all

This will output every test result of every package that includes tests.

When you are writing tests for a specific package you do not want to run all the tests every time. Colcon also gives an option to only build tests for specified packages.

colcon test --packages-select march_some_package march_some_other_package

General guidelines to writing tests

Here are some rules of thumb to follow when writing tests:

  1. Write short understandable tests.

  2. Separate setup code that is necessary for every test.

  3. Do not depend on writing and reading from external files.

  4. Do not depend on timing in your tests.

  5. Use one assert per test (i.e. only test one function)

  6. If possible, every method should have at least one unit test

  7. Make a test for every edge case!

  8. Usually, your test code is about as long or longer as your normal code.

Next to these rules there exist some conventions in structuring tests:

  1. Put your tests in a separate directory next to src/ named test/.

  2. The same as for all filenames, name the test files using snake_case.

  3. Put rostest .test launch files inside test/launch/.

  4. Put rostest source files inside test/rostest/.

  5. If writing unittests and rostests for Python, put the unit tests inside test/unittests/.

  6. Put necessary resources, e.g. files, for tests in a separate directory inside test/.

See the March packages for examples on how to write and structure tests.

Writing your own tests

For testing ROS packages we make a distinction between two different kinds of tests.

  1. Unit tests (library level)

  2. Integration tests (node level)

Also, see the ROS wiki on testing. The unit tests are different for C++ and python projects. C++ projects use the gtest framework, whereas Python projects use unittest. For node level tests, rostest is used. Rostest uses launch files to launch the nodes under test and the actual tests. See the following tutorials on writing tests using ROS: