

The march_shared_classes package contains classes that are useful in different workspaces of the project. It currently only contains the Gait classes.

The Gait classes

The Gait classes consist of the classes Gait, Subgait, JointTrajectory, Limits and Setpoint. These classes can be used to store a gait. Every Gait object contains a list of Subgait objects. Every Subgait contains a list containing one JointTrajectory object for each joint in the exoskeleton. Every JointTrajectory object contains a Limits object and a list of Setpoints. A JointTrajectory object can interpolate between its setpoints to obtain the trajectory the joint will follow.

The gait classes are used in the gait selection. At startup, gait and subgait files are read and transformed into gait and subgait objects. Additionally, gait classes for dynamic gaits should inherit from the gait classes, implementing the same interface. This will allow easy usage in the gait selection. Finally, the gait generator also uses child classes of the gait classes, the ModifiableGait classes.


The Gait classes are typically constructed by reading a gait file. This can be done with

Subgait.from_file(robot, filename)

to read a single .subgait file or

Gait.from_file(robot, filename)

to read all the .subgait files in a gait folder at once.

Communication with the controller usually goes via ros messages. Transform a Subgait to a trajectory message through



In most of the code, gaits are stored in the form of the gait classes.