
The march_hardware_interface package uses the march_hardware (see march_hardware) library to create an interface between ros_control and the exoskeleton hardware. It has one runnable node which functions as the control loop. The loop consists of the following steps:

  1. Reading data from the robot

  2. Updating the connected controllers using the read data

  3. Writing the output of the controllers to the robot

The class that is responsible for all this is the MarchHardwareInterface. It implements the hardware_interface::RobotHW class from ros_control. It implements three important functions from that base class: init, read and write. Furthermore, the class owns an instance of the MarchRobot class, which it uses for reading from and writing to the robot. The reading and writing must happen in real time to ensure it runs deterministically and, therefore, run at high frequencies. To guarantee this, real time publishers are used from realtime_tools and messages from ROS are published and received in a ros::AsyncSpinner. Furthermore, all dynamically allocated resources, such as std::vector, reserve their memory in the init function to guarantee no allocations take place during real time.


Currently, the hardware interface can use two types of controllers: position and effort controllers. Effort control is currently the default. The march_hardware_interface package is also responsible for launching the controllers and providing their configurations. These configurations are stored in the config <march_hardware_interface/config> directory. These contain settings for the PID controllers and the joint trajectory action server. See the Controllers section on the ros_control wiki for more info on what type of controllers exists and how to configure them.

Safety Limits

Besides controlling the motors, the hardware interface also enforces safety limits. For this it uses the joint_limits_interface from ros_control. The robot has so called soft limits, which provide a buffer for the actual mechanical limits of the joints. The soft limit values are loaded from the URDF. The job of the limits interface is to limit the output of the controllers as to not exceed the joint limits defined in the URDF. Enforcing the limits occurs at the start of the write function, before writing the actuate commands to the robot.

See also

See the Joint Limits section on the ros_control wiki for more info on the joint limits. Also see Joint Safety Limits Explained for more info on how the limits work.

Custom Controller Interfaces

The march_hardware_interface package also includes two custom controller interfaces, specifically designed for the March exoskeleton. These include the MarchPdbStateInterface and the MarchTemperatureSensorInterface. the MarchPdbStateInterface is an interface for the MarchPdbStateController , which is responsible for publishing the state of the power distribution board. The MarchTemperatureSensorInterface is an interface for the MarchTemperatureSensorController, which is responsible for publishing the state of the temperature sensors in the joints.


Since the hardware interface uses the controller_manager from ros_control, it has many topics that enable the user to send trajectory commands and read the state of loaded joints.



Builds an instance of MarchRobot from a given robot name and starts the control loop. The node must be run with an argument of which robot to build and use. For example, to run it without roslaunch/rosrun (This will only work if you have a roscore running):

./march_hardware_interface_node march4

The hardware.launch <march_hardware_interface/launch/hardware.launch> file has a launch argument, which it passes to the node.

Published Topics

/march/imc_states (march_shared_resources/ImcState <march_shared_resources/msg/ImcState.msg>)

Publishes statuses of all iMotionCubes every control loop.

/march/controller/after_limit_joint_command (march_shared_resources/AfterLimitJointCommand <march_shared_resources/msg/AfterLimitJointCommand.msg>)

Publishes joint commands after they have been limited by the joint safety limit controller.